BLSI喜报 | 斩获2023美国缪斯设计奖3项殊荣——铂金奖2个、金奖1个
近日,全球建筑与设计领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一【美国缪斯设计奖MUSE DesignAwards】2023获奖名单重磅揭晓。伯立森景观设计作品——[成都中海·浣云居]、[深圳中海·汇德理]、[贵阳中海·印龙泉]从全球6300多件设计作品中经过重重筛选最终脱颖而出,斩获2023年美国MUSE缪斯设计大奖最高荣誉-铂金奖2个、金奖1个。
Recently, the list of 2023 winners of one of the most influential international awards in the field of architecture and design worldwide, the Muse Design Awards, has been unveiled. Bolesong Landscape design works - Chengdu Zhonghai · HUAYUNÉ, Shenzhen Zhonghai · Huideli, and Guiyang Zhonghai · lakeside mansion - have been carefully selected from over 6300 design works worldwide and ultimately stand out, winning the highest honors at the 2023 MUSE Muse Design Awards - one gold award and two platinum awards.
The MUSE Design Award is divided into three levels, namely Platinum Award (which is the highest level), Gold Award, and Silver Award.
Chengdu Zhonghai · HUAYUNÉ2023 American Muse Design Award | Gold Award
Shenzhen Zhonghai Huideli2023 American Muse Design Award | Platinum Winner
Guiyang Zhonghai lakeside mansion2023 American Muse Design Award | Platinum Winner
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About Awards
缪斯设计奖(The MUSE Design Awards)2015年在美国纽约创办,由美国博物馆联盟(American Alliance of Museums)与美国国际奖项协会(International Awards Associates)主办,旨在培养和推广“设计缪斯”。该奖项每年评选一次,是全球创意设计圈最受关注且最具影响力的国际奖项之一。
The MUSE Design Awards was founded in New York in 2015. Organized by the American Alliance of Museums and International Awards Associates, it aims to foster and promote "design MUSES." The annual award is one of the most prestigious and influential international awards in the global creative design community.